Trim the Snails! and other epic failures

Bean has been coughing.  Alot.  Alot Alot.  This is despite a steroid inhaler that she has been on for a different reason.  I am afeared that it’s possible that the illness causing the cough is possibly worse than it is presenting.  ugh.  I may have to take tomorrow off for a trip to Peds.  I seriously need to not take tomorrow off.  ugh.  

In other news, today’s experience at a Staff Appreciation Brunch can only be defined as an epic fail. Seriously.  Cake and fruit and chicken biscuits and pastry and did I mention the cake?  (Shaking head slowly at myself.  Thinking about sending myself to bed without any supper.)

A Belated Thanksgiving

I am thankful for my family.
All the crazy ones who make me appreciate the less crazy ones. All the ones who put up with my crazy. All the ones who share in the gene pool and all the ones who just wish I’d bought the house with the pool.
All the ones who will read this and not care that it isn’t grammatically correct. All the ones who will notice and try to not say anything.  All the ones who will have to say something.


Face the Music Monday

208.8!  That was a completely unexpected surprise.  We are currently in the upswing of a new school year/semester and the stress level at home/work has ratcheted way up.  And well, you know, I eat when I’m stressed out.  Or at least I’m more likely to eat all the lovely caloricly (sp?) dense food stuffs I can find.

Days like today have been known to drive me to down a whole pint of B&J all by my lonesome.  mmmmm.  Phish Food.

And yet, today, I did not touch the snack food or the homemade cookies that folks brought into work.  So to recap:  Cookies 0  Delaney 1.

Face the Music Monday

Howdy folks!  I thought I would finally touch base about this last week’s progress. Here are the numbers.

Weight: 209.4, -1 this week (-8 total)
Waist: 39 (-3.5)
Hips: 46 (-1)
Legs: 27.25  (-.75)
Bust: 44.5 (-1.25)

Today’s Yoga class was great.  It was nice and challenging.  The woman teaching the class did a nice job showing the variations so I didn’t feel so bad about not doing the difficult things but could see where I might be headed.  For the record though, my upper body is so far gone that my arms were done for 2/3rds of the way through the class.  Seriously, typing at this point is a challenge.  My high school keyboarding teacher would be mortified by my overall form.   Shhh….

Another piece of good news?  I think that a few more pounds will have me safely out of the my size 18 pants.  woot!  I’m in that weird in between stage right now where they really are too big but the 16s are still too small to comfortably say I am that size.  For now it’s more like, I am that size, if the moon is aligned with Jupiter and Mercury is in the 7th house.  😉    Still, looking forward to wearing clothes I haven’t been able to get into in years.  And, this is possibly the least I have weighed since Bean was born.  Nice to be in the single digit twos again.  Can’t wait to see the other side of them.

It’s Kismet Baby! or How I found The Carb Lover’s Diet

For most of June, J.D. and I had been talking around what we should try to do to get control of our weight.  We had been successful, in a time before Bean, on Weight Watchers.  And we considered going back to that.  OKOK, J.D. considered going back to that.  I really didn’t want to.

For the record, the WW program works.  But I have done it, repeatedly.  Obviously it isn’t going to work for me long-term.  The first time I did WW, I was eleven.  (Yes, eleven, so the Ginnifer Goodwin story wasn’t all that shocking to me.)  I tried it again in graduate school and again in my late twenties.  And despite following the program (the last time I was on for almost 2 years) and being every active, I have never gotten closer than 20lbs to my goal weight. The open boundaries of the program is a problem for a girl who can put down a pint of Ben and Jerry’s in a sitting.  (What?!)   Also, there isn’t anything new to help things along after you have been on program (in WW speak) for a long time, no Advanced WW if you will.

Regardless of my reasons, it all came down to the fact that I didn’t want to do that again. I needed something to force a change.  I wanted to be excited about my prospects.  And, let’s not beat around the bush here, I want to lose the weight.

In the midst of this, a newsletter from the Birmingham Blogging Academy showed up in my inbox.  The funny thing is that I opened it because I thought it was about Kathryn Tucker Windham, and I was looking for inspiration for my work blog.  (In my defense, the title of the newsletter was “The Greatest Story Teller in Alabama” and she had died a little over a week before.)  But the newsletter turned out to be about The Jen West Quest. 

I’m not going to say that I was immediately sold, but it is hard to argue with Jen’s success on the Carb Lover’s Diet.  As I read though the posts, the actual CLD website FAQ and looked more closely at the plan itself, it seemed like a really good fit. It many ways, the plan is close to how we were eating anyway.  The tweaks were familiar and (mostly) welcome.  Many of the reasons behind the plan were sound and the wiggle room was straight forward, leaving room for a glass of wine, beer, and ice cream.  The website filled in the gaps of information, like questions I had about my husband trying a 1200 calorie diet for a week.  (The answer:  most men should consume 300-400 more/day.)  The diet also received a balanced review from WebMD.  And best of all?  It was planned out for me.

Again, I realize that some folks don’t want a plan, but I wanted the responsibility of meal planning off of my shoulders.  First of all, I have a hard time finding time to do it.  Second, I find the whole process so cumbersome that I have learned to loathe doing it.  So here it was!  This plan could be as tailored and fussy as I wanted it to be.  AND if I didn’t want that, here was a weekly meal plan.  Some where in the back of my mind a woman yelled, “HAVE AT IT ALREADY!”

I was sold.